Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Standard of living and Quility of Life Paragraph

In this paragraph I will touch up on what the difference is between standard of living and quality of life. Is there even a difference between standard of living and quality of life? I say yes. The reason is when I read my textbook it gave a bunch of ideas on the difference between standard of living and quality of life. I will now take the time to write about a few of these ideas. In the textbook it says that standard of living is only one aspect of the quality of life. Standard of living is mainly a measure of how your needs are being taken care of. The needs include quality and availability of food, quality and Quantity of water, and pretty much the quality and quantity of any other good needed by people to survive comfortably. Standard of living just focuses on the materials of life. In the quality of life there is much more than just materials. Quality of life has things that standard of living does not focus on. These things are clean environment; personal safety, political rights, and right to earn a living using traditional means these are my few examples. Some more could be rights for freedom of religion, speech, and culture. An example of such a quality of life not focused on in the standard of living is that the Francophone’s in Alberta get schools that teach their native language French. This raises their standard of living through means other than the standard of living. Even though there is difference between quality of life and standard of living they still need each other. Quality of life is not complete without the standard of living and material things. I am no downing standard of living; I’m just saying that there is more to having a good life than material things can offer. This is my thought on the difference between the Quality of life and the standard of living.

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