Wednesday, June 9, 2010

#1 John Meynard was a man with many ideas about how the government should work. He was a British economist just after the Second World War had ended.

#2 John Keynes believed in an economy were the government would help businesses and intervene but at the same time not control the businesses.

#3 I agree with his philosophy because I look at what happened to the US economy and how they did not control their banks. This has caused major problems through US and also throughout the world. This problem could have been prevented through a style of government that Keynes came up with.

#4 Yes because of all the problems countries are having because they are not intervening in their countries businesses. The government does not have enough control.

Know I will write a five paragraph about the various things that Keynes believed in. I will cover three points in this essay. Here are my topics first what type of economy did he make and which country uses it today. Second what his beliefs were on how government business. Last how he believes the economy should work.

Keynes kind has made a certain economy out of his ideas. The economy he made is known today as a mixed economy. This economy is supposed to be half owned by the government and half owned by the private sector. Canada is one country in the world that has a mixed economy. We can really attribute are economy to Keynes ideas.

The second thing is what did he believe a business should be run. He believed in some government control over a business. The way he believed the government could control a business but not own a business was through money regulations. This would allow thereto be a healthy private sector but at the same time allow the government to have the control they needed to keep the business up and running and producing for the citizens needs. This is an important part of Canada’s and any other country that uses a mixed economy.

The last thing I will speak on is what John Keynes thought the government should control the economy. Keynes believed that the government should control the ups and downs of the economy through taxes. To get rid of inflation the government should raise taxes so they can fund businesses to and keep the businesses so that there would still be jobs and ways to make money and obtain the goods and services the people need. To me this works well. Canada seems to have pulled it’s self through economic hard time easier than the US’s government have been able to do for there economy.

To me John Meynard Keynes is very important. He pretty much defined my home country Canada’s government and economy. Canada’s economy has worked well according to me. I think it’s a hybrid economy.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Favorite Sport

The sport I most enjoy watching is hockey. I love sitting down and watching a good hockey game. I like to predict who I think is going to win. I just find hockey an exciting sport to watch but I would rather play soccer. The main reason I enjoy playing the game soccer so much is becuase that's the sport I am good at. I love the joy I get when I score a goal or my team wins a game. I love to play soccer. These are my favorite sports.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Standard of living and Quility of Life Paragraph

In this paragraph I will touch up on what the difference is between standard of living and quality of life. Is there even a difference between standard of living and quality of life? I say yes. The reason is when I read my textbook it gave a bunch of ideas on the difference between standard of living and quality of life. I will now take the time to write about a few of these ideas. In the textbook it says that standard of living is only one aspect of the quality of life. Standard of living is mainly a measure of how your needs are being taken care of. The needs include quality and availability of food, quality and Quantity of water, and pretty much the quality and quantity of any other good needed by people to survive comfortably. Standard of living just focuses on the materials of life. In the quality of life there is much more than just materials. Quality of life has things that standard of living does not focus on. These things are clean environment; personal safety, political rights, and right to earn a living using traditional means these are my few examples. Some more could be rights for freedom of religion, speech, and culture. An example of such a quality of life not focused on in the standard of living is that the Francophone’s in Alberta get schools that teach their native language French. This raises their standard of living through means other than the standard of living. Even though there is difference between quality of life and standard of living they still need each other. Quality of life is not complete without the standard of living and material things. I am no downing standard of living; I’m just saying that there is more to having a good life than material things can offer. This is my thought on the difference between the Quality of life and the standard of living.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Oil development's impact on the world

Today I am writing on the three questions given to me through my social textbook. The first Question asks me to research and write about an oil spill or disaster in Alberta. The big impact this has had on the environment is the birds like ducks its killing in one day five hundred ducks died because they landed on an oil filled lake. This is one of many natural disasters caused in Alberta by the oil sands and the gathering of oil from them. Alberta’s environment concerns have not been approved to much by the world because we harvest the oil and other natural resources in dirty but quick and cheap way. We are thought to not try and go along with the world and try to make the world cleaner. This may be true, we have not signed certain agreement to make our environment cleaner. The world, especially the USA, look at us as the country that needs to show poorer countries how the harvest natural resources and still keep our environment clean and nice to live in. We as Canadians and Albertans’ are failing to do this. This is why the world looks done on our means to do stuff like harvest oil.

The next question asks me to write questions that I think I would ask when talking about how conserving the environment will effect the environment. I will focus on preserving the environment rather than exploiting it as much as possible. Question #1 Should we cut back on how many natural resources we exploit? Questions #2 How will preserving natural resources in order to improve the environment effect our economy? Question #3 Will it cause our taxes to go up? Question #4 Are people willing to pay extra money to keep the environment cleaner? Question #5 Are people willing to give up traditional ways to make money and live to clean our planet? Question #6 Are there new ways to not use thing natural gas? Question #7 What will this cause in the short term? Question #8 How will this help us in the log term? Question #9 Who will benefit from preserving the earths natural resources? Question #10 How do we live with less resources? Here are my ten Questions. These questions to me get to the point and ask for a solution to be found. There are many things that need to be thought of when it comes to cutting back on natural resources. To me the biggest thing is that we aren’t willing to give up our traditional and easy ways of doing things. If we want to save resources we need to discard some traditional ways of doing things. This is my answer to Question #2.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Knowledge Economy in Canada

I will be writing about what a knowledge economy is and what Canada does knowledge economy wise. There are some big things being predicted to occur in Canada because of this knowledge economy. Through this essay I will write the facts and my opinion on these facts.

First the definition of a knowledge economy is the use of knowledge to produce economic benefits. This economic idea became popular in New Zealand in the 1990's. They began using high tech stuff to make the economy better. New Zealand used there education and research institutions to build up and help out there economy. This is really trying to make the most of knowledge and education.

Canada is starting to get to this level. There is a paper predicting that Canada will lose up to two million jobs. They are predicting that an additional 2.4 million knowledge workers and 3.3 million manufacturing production employees will be affected by the competition caused by the knowledge economy. This is a major loss for the jobs for Canadians in are own country Canada.

There are also predictions that things are going to be OK for the economy and for jobs for Canadians. For the most there is an agreement that in the long run Canadians will benefit highly from the knowledge economy. There is a prediction that 29 % of the Canadian employees will benefit immediately. To me though this is not enough there still are to many people who are losing from this though.

I personally don't think this is a good thing for my generation but for my generations kids it will be great. I don't like how many fobs may be made unavailable to me. I personally will look down on the knowledge economy.

Online Questions on Dangerous Jobs

I am trying to become a meteorologist when I get older. I find how the weather changes so fast, it very exciting to me. I like trying to predict the way the weather will pan out. It is very hard to because it changes so much. If i cant get into weather I will try something along the lines of hydrology or plants. This science that has to do with the natural world just interests me.

Jobs I would least like to do are things like along the line of teaching or something that involves trying to help explain to people or trying to solve other peoples problems. I also would not want to own my own business.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund

I am writing on the World Bank and Monetary Fund. The purpose of these organizations are to help fund give financial assistance to countries that need the assistance. The world bank helps loan money to countries to help these countries make there health system and education system better. These countries usually really are in need of a loan, they usually need the money to help the people in the country to achieve the basic needs of life.
The International Monetary Fund is there to help a country build up its economy by trying to secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment, and reduce poverty. This International Monetary Fund helps a country more through trying to create a better economy and help the country make there own money. This organization does not meet the immediate problems as fast as the World Bank does but in the long run they do more in a less expensive way that the World Bank does

Next I will talk about if these countries are actually benefiting the countries they say they are helping. In the report Assessing World Bank Support for Trade they concluded that the World bank spent $38 billion financing trade programs since 1986. They concluded this helped to open markets but had not been effective in increasing exports and growth reducing poverty. The organization is causing inflation or higher interest rates.
The International Monetary Fund had been charge with accusations of supporting capitalist military dictatorships that are supportive to European and American corporations. They are also said to be creating higher government taxes to pay off government debt or cutting social programs. This contradicts what they are there for. They are there to improve the government social programs to help for fill the basic needs of the people. Does this make them just like another government sucking money from people. They also are said to be funding evil governments and there armies to allow them to take more control of the people.

There are a lot of skeletons in these organizations closets. I am personally wondering how much help these organizations are actually giving to these countries that are in poverty. I wonder if there making the rich richer and the poor poorer.