Thursday, May 13, 2010

Knowledge Economy in Canada

I will be writing about what a knowledge economy is and what Canada does knowledge economy wise. There are some big things being predicted to occur in Canada because of this knowledge economy. Through this essay I will write the facts and my opinion on these facts.

First the definition of a knowledge economy is the use of knowledge to produce economic benefits. This economic idea became popular in New Zealand in the 1990's. They began using high tech stuff to make the economy better. New Zealand used there education and research institutions to build up and help out there economy. This is really trying to make the most of knowledge and education.

Canada is starting to get to this level. There is a paper predicting that Canada will lose up to two million jobs. They are predicting that an additional 2.4 million knowledge workers and 3.3 million manufacturing production employees will be affected by the competition caused by the knowledge economy. This is a major loss for the jobs for Canadians in are own country Canada.

There are also predictions that things are going to be OK for the economy and for jobs for Canadians. For the most there is an agreement that in the long run Canadians will benefit highly from the knowledge economy. There is a prediction that 29 % of the Canadian employees will benefit immediately. To me though this is not enough there still are to many people who are losing from this though.

I personally don't think this is a good thing for my generation but for my generations kids it will be great. I don't like how many fobs may be made unavailable to me. I personally will look down on the knowledge economy.

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