Tuesday, February 23, 2010


My product I am trying to sell is Alberta beef in a can. This is an easy way to get get a quik snack of Alberta Canada beef. You just have to open the can and eather heat up the beef in the oven or microwave. It average preperation time is just five minuts it is a quik easy and yummy snack. The beef used is best quality and is 100% Canadian beef. I is great to get a quik jolt of energy. If you are craving a meaty snack and dont have the time to prepare it just get this easy can of already prepared Alberta beef. It is all natural and great taste. So what are you waiting for run to your near by grocery store an purchase this easy and healthy snackfile.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Walmart's Position On Unions

In this essay I will discus how Wal-Mart reacts to the idea of unionizing. I will also get into how I think these thoughts and actions effect there commercial activities. First Wal-Mart shows that it wont tolerate the development of Unions in there company. Second I will look into if this affects the company strongly opposes unions. Last I will talk about how workers may feel about this policy of Wall-Mart. This policy of walmart definitely affect them as a company and us as people. Here I will discus how.

Walmart has proven it's discussed in unions through history. In fact the man who organized Wall-Mart said that he did not like unions and he wanted nothing to do with these unions. Wall-Mart's thoughts on Unions have not changed at all. They still don't support there workers unionizing in fact they fight it. In Jonquiere Quebec Wall-Mart workers decided they would become part of a union to improve there working condition. Within a couple months this Wall-Mart closed down. This proves they will not support there workers upon unionizing.

Not supporting Unions has affected the company Wall-Mart tonnes. It has lots of benefits and a lot of disabilities with it. One Benefiting thing is that having no unions allows the company to keep there price the lowest of any store. This would be hard to do if they had to pay there workers more. A disadvantage of this is that walmart may lose supporters of unions. People may not want to support such a company that doesn't give there workers very many freedoms. For the most part though this benefits Wall-Marts commercial activities more than it take away from them.

The last thing is that workers may see that there are no Unions allowed and this knowledge my drive these workers away. Without many workers walmart may have to go out of bisness or have to hirer people that are not great people. When thinking about hiring people it may not be the best advantage to not allow workers.

Wall mart to me does better than other companies at certain things because it does not allow it employees to be part of a union. But just like the different economies like market and command economies Wall mart has its disadvantages to. I personally don't support wall mart and there choices about Unions but it does not stop me from using the nearby wall mart.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Unions Pros And Cons

The best thing about a union is that they make sure the employees are receiving adequate wages. This helps keep minimum wage met, thus allowing people to keep their wages suitable to live on even if you are working a non skill job. This allows people to have the basic quality of life that everyone deserves. you can see that wages are not suitable in places that cant have Unions like China. In these countries people can get paid wages of 25 cents an hour or even lower. This shows us we need unions to keep proper wages and allow everyone to live with a good quality of life. This is probably the best thing a union can do for someone. If you need something to have that basic quality of life it has to be money. you need money to live in a house,buy food,

Another good thing is that unions keep up the quality of the workplace. If a worker is working somewhere and there is potentially dangerous equipment a Union can push push the company to spend more money and get proper safety equipment to cut down on injury. This definitely will benefit the workers because the prevention of injury will help them continue good health and keep working so that you can have enough money to live. This can also benefit the employer by allowing his workers to remain healthy and also the safe environment Will attract more workers. This benefit can help the employer to keep the company flowing with good and experienced workers.

The last positive aspect that I will write about is that Unions can prevent a company from putting people out of work because they don't want to pay them. In a teachers situation they get paid more every year. in Montana teacher teach for two years and than they don't get there contract renued. Teachers in Alberta are part of a teacher union that allows teachers to always get there contract renued as long as they teach properly and aren't abusive. This union protection is not there in Montana. This allows schools to hire a first year teacher and keep them at low pay for a couple years then when they get a big enough raise they lay them off. If a union was there they would keep those teachers in work for up to 50 years. This trait of a union helps the working body to have more security.

A negative aspect to Unions is that it can pressure the company so much that it will shut down. An example of this was shown at a Wall mart in Jonquiere Quebec Canada. This group of Wal-mart workers were the first to join a union. After joining this union the Wall mart company closed this Wall mart store down putting 190 people out of work.The Wall mart supposedly shut down because of money problems but many think the union pressured it to close down. Instead of helping people make adequate wages they caused the people to be out of work.

Another negative aspect of Unions is that they can cause someone to get fired because the company sees that person as a threat. This shows up in situations when a person is working a non skilled job. For example if someone was working at Mac Donald's and decides they aren't getting paid enough so they become part of a Union. The Union then begins to try and get this worker more money. Mac Donald's decides that they can find someone else that will flip burgers for a lower wage.

The last negative aspect is that unions can cost lots of money to be part of. They can suck money from your pockets and give less back. Unions can cause this financial damage and not help you. this can be called a scam. This is one thing that really worries me about unions.
I'm finished my online questions in the news letter.

A blog to the poeple of haiti

The thing that really makes me sad is that so many people lost everything homes, families,and friends. These people may not have had much but they lost the few things they did have. I would like to let the people from Haiti new that they have to have hope that the future will improve. If they keep hope I know they will make it through this challenge.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I'm finished page six Olympic questions.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

How I feel about being canadian

I am writing this essay on why I love to be a Canadian.first thing I love about being a Canadian is that we have a chance to do winter recreation and summer recreation activities.the second thing I love is we have more beautiful environment than many countries that don't take care of it as much. The third and last but definitely not least reason I love Canada is how us as Canadians come together as a county for major events and disasters.I am proud to be a Canadian for these three reasons and more.

I love that are country has a summer and winter. This season change allows us to do a wide variety recreational activities and sports. An example of some the activities is in the winter we do hockey, basketball, skiing, snowboarding and sometimes hunting. In the summer we do soccer volleyball fishing hunting and biking. I think this change in sports keeps us interested in recreation thus allowing Canada to do more active. this also keeps us as Canadians happy having fun watching different sports most the time.Thinking of sports Canadians have it lucky to pick from the many sports.

I love being part of a great Canadian environment and and taking in the great scenery it gives. I love going to the national parts and hiking. The government does a great job keeping the parks clean and healthy so we can enjoy nature. The great environment of Canada make me proud of how we keep up the environment. many places seem to destroy environment but to me Canada keeps up the environment very well. are great environment definitely attracts tourists which ultimately give Canada a good name this makes me proud of my country

Canadians are awesome for coming together to cheer for or helping people out of disasters. The biggest things that are bringing Canadians together to be unified is the Haiti earthquake and the 2010 winter Olympics in Vancouver Canada. I went to see the Olympic torch pass through Lethbrigde recently. I felt so unified with all the other Canadians that were there. I'm sure half of southern Alberta was there we came together as southern Albertan Canadians and the rest of the country doing the same. Also the country has come together by donating to massively to Haiti and spending by going down there and helping. These acts make me very proud to be part of a unified Canadian body.

These for me are great reasons to love being a Canadian it makes me proud. There are also many more things impress me about being a Canadian. I will also try and model myself after the good attributes of being Canadian. I'm sure proud and happy to have the title of Canadian. its the best title in the world to me.

Monday, February 1, 2010

My name is Nick Noad and I'm in your social 10 class Mr. Dahl