Monday, February 22, 2010

Walmart's Position On Unions

In this essay I will discus how Wal-Mart reacts to the idea of unionizing. I will also get into how I think these thoughts and actions effect there commercial activities. First Wal-Mart shows that it wont tolerate the development of Unions in there company. Second I will look into if this affects the company strongly opposes unions. Last I will talk about how workers may feel about this policy of Wall-Mart. This policy of walmart definitely affect them as a company and us as people. Here I will discus how.

Walmart has proven it's discussed in unions through history. In fact the man who organized Wall-Mart said that he did not like unions and he wanted nothing to do with these unions. Wall-Mart's thoughts on Unions have not changed at all. They still don't support there workers unionizing in fact they fight it. In Jonquiere Quebec Wall-Mart workers decided they would become part of a union to improve there working condition. Within a couple months this Wall-Mart closed down. This proves they will not support there workers upon unionizing.

Not supporting Unions has affected the company Wall-Mart tonnes. It has lots of benefits and a lot of disabilities with it. One Benefiting thing is that having no unions allows the company to keep there price the lowest of any store. This would be hard to do if they had to pay there workers more. A disadvantage of this is that walmart may lose supporters of unions. People may not want to support such a company that doesn't give there workers very many freedoms. For the most part though this benefits Wall-Marts commercial activities more than it take away from them.

The last thing is that workers may see that there are no Unions allowed and this knowledge my drive these workers away. Without many workers walmart may have to go out of bisness or have to hirer people that are not great people. When thinking about hiring people it may not be the best advantage to not allow workers.

Wall mart to me does better than other companies at certain things because it does not allow it employees to be part of a union. But just like the different economies like market and command economies Wall mart has its disadvantages to. I personally don't support wall mart and there choices about Unions but it does not stop me from using the nearby wall mart.

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