Thursday, May 6, 2010

Paper on The Euroepean Unoin and what affects it has on the World

The European Union is a large agreement make pay most of the countries in Europe. This association is responsible for 20% of the worlds imports and exports while it only has 7% of the worlds population. This is amassing there is tonnes of stuff sold and bought by a substantially lower amount of people. This Union involves 25 countries all of these countries have at least 50% of there countries trade in the EU. These countries are definitely majorly affected by the European Union. The European Union has brought the most prosperous times even seen in Europe. It brought Europe out of there major debt made by the second world war. Tonnes of money and goods are passed around the world by this Union. On the other side this Union has a lot of hard to find bad things it does to. According to sources the EU is forced the people of east Europe the have to come west and seek better fobs and more money. The EU is sucking precious talent away from the east thus causing lack of people able to do certain jobs in the east this. There is to many people in the west able to jobs. The west is getting swamped people trying to get skilled jobs.

I personally think to fix these problems they need to get rid of some of those eastern countries they are just hurting themselves and everyone else. They need to try and keep there own skilled workers and build there own economy this would be the best thing for the smaller east economies.

I do not believe it would be the best thing for North America. We do not need a North American trade union its useless. I personally think that what were doing right now is enough. The economy may not be booming right now but for the most part we have enough money. I also think that a North American Union would give USA a tighter grip over North America. I think that they already have enough of a grip over North America. Also I think that more and more of the talented workers from Canada would go to USA and work there.

These are my thought on the European union and other questions associated with. Personal I don't believe it to be a great thing. It might be good for the major counties but the lower ones get hurt by it more than they gain.

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