Monday, April 19, 2010

Similarities of the Australian Natives and the Canadan Natives

In this Blog I will write a paragraph on what the similarities are of the problems caused by Britain on Canadian Natives and the Australian Natives. In both these cases Britain went into these civilizations took control and harvested wealth from each countries natural resources. In both cases Britain tried to defend themselves by saying that they were there to try and civilize each native group. This civilizing process ended up causing assimilation of much of the language and culture for both native groups. In both of these Aboriginal cases there was great amount of sickness. This in both stories took out half of the population of the Native people. Both countries that were harmed were harmed mainly by the smallpox virus. Britain took advantage of the people in both cases they would trick them into signing unfair treaties and trick them into bad and at times life threatening situations. When it was all said and done both of these countries had there culture destroyed and there history and languages mostly forgotten. In both cases there benefits. Each native group obtained new products that would overall make there life easier and allow them to do more things.

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