Thursday, April 15, 2010

Camparing British Influence on Canada and India

Both Canada and India was colonized by Britain in the 1600's these two situations had many similarities but when you look close they have many differences. The first key similarity is in each case Britain tried to assimilate the native population. The reason for this is that they thought that the different ways of each people were uncivilized. The British people thought they were doing these natives a favor teaching them how to be civilize but in fact they were just destroying these people's culture. The second similarity was that in both cases the British people thought they could claim the land for there King and Queen and and take anything they wanted. They just look at each place as unowned land that was there's for the taking and exploiting. The next similarity was that both lands had people on them before Britain claimed the. Both these people had a system that they had created and these systems seemed to work for both groups. They both did not need Britain's help but they both excepted the beautiful products that Britain brought to there countries. With these similarities there are many differences. With the first similarity the people of India did not allow themselves to assimilate as easily. They stood up for there rights and culture. The second similarities difference is that the British people could not take the land in India as easily as they did in Canada. They would have had harder battles to get the Land in India. India had already known European for centuries so they had knowledge that Britain was trying to assimilate there life style and culture. This knowledge that the people of India had and the Native people of Canada did not have was the knowledge of owning land.

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