Friday, April 30, 2010

The Zapatistas

The Zapatistas have found different means to achieve the solving of there problems.They have found ways to get the government to try and change there lives for the better. In the past the Chiapas who are know represented by the Zapatistas were starving to death because when the Spanish people came 500 years ago they pushed the Chiapas people up into the mountains were the land is very bad for growing crops. the crops these crops were supposed to sustain there lives but they could not crow enough food so lots of people starved to death. The Chiapas people need to do something about this. There whole people were going extinct because they did not have enough food. They created the Zapatistas, this group than in 1994 declared war on the government of Mexico. The Zapatistas took over many Mexican city but then suddenly they decide to be peaceful this was surprising thing for many people. The reason they became peaceful was because they believed they could get people to see there problems through globalization. The reason they wanted people to see there problems is because they believed that people would see how bad that the Chiapas were being treated and the people would pressure the Mexican government to do something to fix there problems. This seems to have worked for the Chiapas. Know the government is funding and building health care centers, Schools, and roads. The government is also distributing food to the Chiapas people. There peaceful approach to this has helped them tonnes.

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