Monday, March 29, 2010


Capitalism involves people that become very rich and people that are very poor. It is an economic system portrayed well in the American system. I do not like some of these things about this economic system. First I don't like how socially insecure it is. Second it has unaffordable health care. Last it does not keep people from getting to powerful or to poor. I will touch on these three points.

In this system of economics you can be working and making good wages one day and be out of work on the street the next. It is very hard to feel comfortable in this situation and when you do that is when it falls apart and your out of work and pay. In this economy you will have to rely on luck more than I feel comfortable doing. The cause of this social insecure situation is that there is no government or other sources to back you up and help secure you and help you maintain work.

The second thing is that you don't pay taxes to help save for those rough times you may experience in the future. This may sound good but to many times I here that people in countries like USA have accidents and have to go to a hospital. during there stay at the hospital they may easily go bankrupt if there there for extended periods of time. I know this by experience, a couple of years ago my brother broke his leg and had to stay at the hospital for six weeks. Through previous paid taxes our family could make it through money wise. If we lived in the USA we might not have been able to pay for those six weeks in the hospital.

The third and last thing is that in this economy people can get really rich and others are extremely poor. It seems to me that there is more poor people than rich people. There is a lot of people living in poverty usually because they cant get a good job and also try and keep that job for extended periods of time. there just to many people that don't have homes and lives because some people get all the money and these people get none. The really rich people have so much money that they don't know what to do with it.

In conclusion I mainly focused on the negative aspects of a capitalistic country. There are good things to. This can be said of any style of economics. The main problem with this economy is that it does not allow to be secure and safe money wise as easily as other economies.

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