Monday, March 29, 2010


Capitalism involves people that become very rich and people that are very poor. It is an economic system portrayed well in the American system. I do not like some of these things about this economic system. First I don't like how socially insecure it is. Second it has unaffordable health care. Last it does not keep people from getting to powerful or to poor. I will touch on these three points.

In this system of economics you can be working and making good wages one day and be out of work on the street the next. It is very hard to feel comfortable in this situation and when you do that is when it falls apart and your out of work and pay. In this economy you will have to rely on luck more than I feel comfortable doing. The cause of this social insecure situation is that there is no government or other sources to back you up and help secure you and help you maintain work.

The second thing is that you don't pay taxes to help save for those rough times you may experience in the future. This may sound good but to many times I here that people in countries like USA have accidents and have to go to a hospital. during there stay at the hospital they may easily go bankrupt if there there for extended periods of time. I know this by experience, a couple of years ago my brother broke his leg and had to stay at the hospital for six weeks. Through previous paid taxes our family could make it through money wise. If we lived in the USA we might not have been able to pay for those six weeks in the hospital.

The third and last thing is that in this economy people can get really rich and others are extremely poor. It seems to me that there is more poor people than rich people. There is a lot of people living in poverty usually because they cant get a good job and also try and keep that job for extended periods of time. there just to many people that don't have homes and lives because some people get all the money and these people get none. The really rich people have so much money that they don't know what to do with it.

In conclusion I mainly focused on the negative aspects of a capitalistic country. There are good things to. This can be said of any style of economics. The main problem with this economy is that it does not allow to be secure and safe money wise as easily as other economies.

Facts Of Eurocentrism

-1 Eurocentrism was a mindset used by the Europeans during the times of colonizing other countries.

-2 It was an idea that Europeans thought that they were unquestionably the best race in the whole world

- 3 This idea made the Europeans believe that everyone needed to now there ways

-4 This made the Europeans force there culture and ideas on non Europeans

- 5 non Europeans were usually called barbaric or savage because of the thought that Europeans were superior.

-6 Europeans changed the ways non Europeans lived by putting them in schools.

- 7 The Europeans would use non European slaves because they thought of these people as animals

-8 The benefits in trading went to the Europeans always first.

-9 They believed they owned any land and resource that they wanted.

-10 There was little or no power giving to the non Europeans

-11 They just viewed countries of people as a way to make money

-12 They would tax there colonies high to suck wealth from non Europeans and make there own European country more powerful and rich

-13 They used non Europeans to be better than another European country

-14 The Europeans viewed non Europeans as there responsibility to teach and change to European type people

-15 The more people and territory that a European country controlled the more power and money they had.

-16 Eurocentrism has changed people's lives and vies on different people still today

-17 we sometimes still believe that were better than certain people today we may have learned this from the Eurocentrism.

-18 This idea pushed people to explore and claim new lands like America

-19 When France called there country in Canada new France it showed they viewed it as a new land for Europeans not an old land of the natives.

- They believed there religion to be true and everyone had to believe to

Monday, March 22, 2010

The First International Trade Route The "Silk Road"

The Silk road is the oldest trade route known to us at this point in time.It connected Europe to Asia and also went into parts of Northern Africa. On this route people could obtain rare spices, rare food, art master pieces, different culture and ideas. The three most important things to me were the exchange culture, knowledge, and the products exchanged.I believe these were very important to the growth of the ancient east. I will begin to write about these important aspects.

Upon reading about the culture passed around on the silk road I learned that it changed that it changed how people thought dressed and even religion began to change and be questioned. It truly was a smaller version of how culture is being passed around by globalization today. There seems to be culture that was passed on the silk road still affecting different races. One example is music, it changed a lot because of the silk road. All the classical music today has many different aspects that were picked up through the silk road.

I believe knowledge that was passed around is the most important thing that was passed throughout the silk road. I know that the Muslims passed ideas of astronomy to the peoples of Europe.The silk road was not just a trade involving important products it involved the trade of knowledge. People that traded on the silk road talked to other people and took there ideas and combined them with theirs. This helped people make discoveries and also made people curious to find new things out. People also saw the different climate and conditions and started studying and looking for answers.

The silk road passed many important products around. If you look at the name "Silk Road" its obvious that silk was a very important product along this primitive trade route. Silk went from east side of the silk road (China) to the west side (Western Europe). These products helped improve qualities of life mostly for the class of the nobility. The trading allowed people to use and enjoy things that they would not be able to use if the silk road was not there. These different products definitely changed how people lived and how people spent there time.

These are the three things I think changed Europe and Asia the most. The silk road did a lot for the world during its time. I truly believe it pushed the world to develop into what it is today. The silk road still affects us today because it set the basic rules of globalization. I now that globalization is affecting us all the time.

The War Torn Country SUDAN

The country Sudan has had many problems throughout history. These problems all began when Britain gave the country independence. When Britain and Egypt gave Sudan independence they took away the separation of the Arabic people and African people. This caused these to races to suddenly deal with each other. To make matters worse the Arabic people got full control of the government. This was followed by laws that said everyone has to be Muslim. This caused the African people to fight against the Arabic people. Britain and Egypt are one cause of this big problem. When they left the country they did not get all parts of the country involved the government.They just gave the Muslim people control. Also these different groups were in separate side of the country and then suddenly the people were forced to work together and also deal with each other. If Britain and Egypt would have either separated the country into two or slowly eased these to peoples together. To help stop this problem they could set up two countries or just make sure everyone has a representative in the government.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What is Potlatch?

Potlatch is an activity in which people have a party to celebrate a special occasion. During the party the host family proceeds to give away most of there stuff this can lead to a family having next to nothing by the time the party is done. This is not a loss they regain stuff as they go to another persons party. This art is very helpful at making everyone equal, no poor, no rich. This art was developed by the Aboriginals of the west coast. This practice was a large part of there culture and it still is for the most part. For over a hundred years it was made illegal to practice Potlatch. Now you can practice it all you want but in my daily life I don't see it. I think the reason is that the world is now very selfish and the art of the Potlatch is all selfless. You have to be willing not to be rich but at the same time you wont be poor but for the most part people just want to as rich as they can. We obviously are not near as good at sharing as the Aboriginal people of the Canada west coast.

Potlatch Culture Picture

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Explore The Issues Question 1 on Page 90

The people of Lubicon deserve to be treated by the government equal to anyone else. The government not even talking to them is making them not be treated equal. this act is clearly violated by the government of canada.

Article 3 discuses that these people freely have the right to determine there political status. When we decided to take natives out of there homes. This was not letting those kids choose if they wanted to leave home for school or not. This would contribute to forcing them into political statuses.

At Cape york the native people have been having to assimilate to the new culture. They are being prevented from governing themselves in there own local situation. This article 4 is not being kept well by government officials.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Lubicon Land Claims

The Lubicon has had lots of trouble negotiating land right with the people for just over 70 years. The Lubicon have been fighting the government for along time. the reason for this is that the Lubicon's traditional land is being destroyed by the oil companies. I will discus three different issues in this situation. First I will discus what affect this has on these people socially. I will tell of how the government has approached this situation through history and last I will discus What the people of the Lubicon are doing to change laws and free up there land.

Before this problem aroused for the Lubicon people they did not have many troubles. All they did was live traditionally of the land. By the 80 this changed. The damage done on the environment was so bad that game for hunting was scarce. Trappers say that the price of animals dropped from $5000 to $400 Many of the people by the 80's had to switch from tradition hunting to the new way of life in witch they were not ready for. this causes many of them to need social assistance.

The government have sat back and prity much have not wanted to get to involved in this mess. I countless situations the government has been just about to make a land treaty and failed to complete it. This occurred in 1988, the government had picked an area of land in witch they said was a now drill zone meaning they could not use that land for oil pr any other commercial reason. After all this was organized the government pulled out and neglected to sing this land treaty. This is a great example of what the government has been doing to these people.

The Lubicon people have made there potion clear, they want what all the other tribes goth there own land reserve in witch they can keep there tradition and culture going on. The problem is that there land sits on oil, lots of oil. All these people can do is oppose further development and keep there voices up. They are just going to keep bugging the government until they give in and for fill these Lubicon peoples rights.

I personally feel like the lubicon people deserve a small portion of the land. If all the other tribes get a small land reserve these people deserve one to. The government needs to take responsibility and stop playing the silent game with these people. Negotiating is part of the reason the government is here. This is an very primitive conflict conflict,it can be easily solved. It will just take cooperation.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Secularism in France

In France the kids aren't allowed to go to school with religious symbols to school. If they do they may be expelled from school. I agree with this stand on religious symbols by the government of France. One reason is that it allows for less prejudgment. It allow for everyone not to have there clothes to be a disadvantage in games and sports. Last it gives kids a chance to were what they want not what they are forced to where.

Have you ever been walking in a city and seen someone wearing there turbine. Do thoughts like What if this guy is a terrorist." This occurs to me sometimes because I see the turbine and think of Afghanistan and the terrorist attacks that occur there often. This prejudgment can cause people to become violent. Its just like an animal being scared they normally become vicious and attack. I think we as humans have this trait. We can feel cornered by people that look threatening so we may strike out at them. When people cant were those clothes and symbols it takes that threatened feeling out of the flow.

When it comes to extra curricular activities like gym class kids wearing a robe aren't going to preform to there full potential. This is when traditional clothes get in the way. Everyone should be able to have a equal chance at being successful in what they do and when there clothes get in the way that becomes an unnecessary disadvantage. This disadvantage can cause kids not to be active and healthy because there clothes are not proper for being active.

Last thing is that kid are being forced to wear these religious symbols that get in the way and also cause them to miss out on friends. No one should have to where what they don't want to. the worlds clothing style is changing and kids should be able to change and keep up with the fashions so they fit in. kids deserve the right to choose what they want for themselves not what the parents want for them.

These are the reasons I believe that this law benefits everyone. I may seem to take freedom away but really it only adds freedom. It allows kids not to be forced to wear there religious clothing. It also give a freedom of less violence. This law is a great law that allows better living conditions for the whole public.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Car Graph

Thought on the 2010 Olympics

I am writing about an event that inspired that occurred me in the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. The men's Canadian curling team inspired me. They won the gold medal with a perfect 11-0 record. From my understanding this perfect record in curling at the Olympic games has not occurred in a long time or may have never happened. Keven Martian and his team really acted like a unified Canadian team. This represented Canadians as a unified group. This great victory gives me the chills and the pride that we produced these great athletes. GREAT JOB CANADA!!!!!

I think we should continue to fund our Canadian athletes because it gives all Canadians pride to be part of a successfully country. We become more unified and proud to sing the anthem a proud to say I AM CANADIAN. On the other side of things I think we should cut down a bit on the money so that we can fund things like health care.