Monday, March 29, 2010

Facts Of Eurocentrism

-1 Eurocentrism was a mindset used by the Europeans during the times of colonizing other countries.

-2 It was an idea that Europeans thought that they were unquestionably the best race in the whole world

- 3 This idea made the Europeans believe that everyone needed to now there ways

-4 This made the Europeans force there culture and ideas on non Europeans

- 5 non Europeans were usually called barbaric or savage because of the thought that Europeans were superior.

-6 Europeans changed the ways non Europeans lived by putting them in schools.

- 7 The Europeans would use non European slaves because they thought of these people as animals

-8 The benefits in trading went to the Europeans always first.

-9 They believed they owned any land and resource that they wanted.

-10 There was little or no power giving to the non Europeans

-11 They just viewed countries of people as a way to make money

-12 They would tax there colonies high to suck wealth from non Europeans and make there own European country more powerful and rich

-13 They used non Europeans to be better than another European country

-14 The Europeans viewed non Europeans as there responsibility to teach and change to European type people

-15 The more people and territory that a European country controlled the more power and money they had.

-16 Eurocentrism has changed people's lives and vies on different people still today

-17 we sometimes still believe that were better than certain people today we may have learned this from the Eurocentrism.

-18 This idea pushed people to explore and claim new lands like America

-19 When France called there country in Canada new France it showed they viewed it as a new land for Europeans not an old land of the natives.

- They believed there religion to be true and everyone had to believe to

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