Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What is Potlatch?

Potlatch is an activity in which people have a party to celebrate a special occasion. During the party the host family proceeds to give away most of there stuff this can lead to a family having next to nothing by the time the party is done. This is not a loss they regain stuff as they go to another persons party. This art is very helpful at making everyone equal, no poor, no rich. This art was developed by the Aboriginals of the west coast. This practice was a large part of there culture and it still is for the most part. For over a hundred years it was made illegal to practice Potlatch. Now you can practice it all you want but in my daily life I don't see it. I think the reason is that the world is now very selfish and the art of the Potlatch is all selfless. You have to be willing not to be rich but at the same time you wont be poor but for the most part people just want to as rich as they can. We obviously are not near as good at sharing as the Aboriginal people of the Canada west coast.

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