Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Lubicon Land Claims

The Lubicon has had lots of trouble negotiating land right with the people for just over 70 years. The Lubicon have been fighting the government for along time. the reason for this is that the Lubicon's traditional land is being destroyed by the oil companies. I will discus three different issues in this situation. First I will discus what affect this has on these people socially. I will tell of how the government has approached this situation through history and last I will discus What the people of the Lubicon are doing to change laws and free up there land.

Before this problem aroused for the Lubicon people they did not have many troubles. All they did was live traditionally of the land. By the 80 this changed. The damage done on the environment was so bad that game for hunting was scarce. Trappers say that the price of animals dropped from $5000 to $400 Many of the people by the 80's had to switch from tradition hunting to the new way of life in witch they were not ready for. this causes many of them to need social assistance.

The government have sat back and prity much have not wanted to get to involved in this mess. I countless situations the government has been just about to make a land treaty and failed to complete it. This occurred in 1988, the government had picked an area of land in witch they said was a now drill zone meaning they could not use that land for oil pr any other commercial reason. After all this was organized the government pulled out and neglected to sing this land treaty. This is a great example of what the government has been doing to these people.

The Lubicon people have made there potion clear, they want what all the other tribes goth there own land reserve in witch they can keep there tradition and culture going on. The problem is that there land sits on oil, lots of oil. All these people can do is oppose further development and keep there voices up. They are just going to keep bugging the government until they give in and for fill these Lubicon peoples rights.

I personally feel like the lubicon people deserve a small portion of the land. If all the other tribes get a small land reserve these people deserve one to. The government needs to take responsibility and stop playing the silent game with these people. Negotiating is part of the reason the government is here. This is an very primitive conflict conflict,it can be easily solved. It will just take cooperation.

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