Monday, March 22, 2010

The First International Trade Route The "Silk Road"

The Silk road is the oldest trade route known to us at this point in time.It connected Europe to Asia and also went into parts of Northern Africa. On this route people could obtain rare spices, rare food, art master pieces, different culture and ideas. The three most important things to me were the exchange culture, knowledge, and the products exchanged.I believe these were very important to the growth of the ancient east. I will begin to write about these important aspects.

Upon reading about the culture passed around on the silk road I learned that it changed that it changed how people thought dressed and even religion began to change and be questioned. It truly was a smaller version of how culture is being passed around by globalization today. There seems to be culture that was passed on the silk road still affecting different races. One example is music, it changed a lot because of the silk road. All the classical music today has many different aspects that were picked up through the silk road.

I believe knowledge that was passed around is the most important thing that was passed throughout the silk road. I know that the Muslims passed ideas of astronomy to the peoples of Europe.The silk road was not just a trade involving important products it involved the trade of knowledge. People that traded on the silk road talked to other people and took there ideas and combined them with theirs. This helped people make discoveries and also made people curious to find new things out. People also saw the different climate and conditions and started studying and looking for answers.

The silk road passed many important products around. If you look at the name "Silk Road" its obvious that silk was a very important product along this primitive trade route. Silk went from east side of the silk road (China) to the west side (Western Europe). These products helped improve qualities of life mostly for the class of the nobility. The trading allowed people to use and enjoy things that they would not be able to use if the silk road was not there. These different products definitely changed how people lived and how people spent there time.

These are the three things I think changed Europe and Asia the most. The silk road did a lot for the world during its time. I truly believe it pushed the world to develop into what it is today. The silk road still affects us today because it set the basic rules of globalization. I now that globalization is affecting us all the time.

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